PARENT SURVEY Please complete this form and submit it by Friday, February 25th. Child's Name Optional First Name Last Name 1. What is your level of satisfaction with our program this year? Very Satisfied Satisfied No Opinion Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Comments 2. What is your child's level of satisfaction with our program this year? Very Satisfied Satisfied No Opinion Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Comments 3. What is your level of satisfaction with our faculty & classrooms? Very Satisfied Satisfied No Opinion Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Comments 4. What is your level of satisfaction with the communication between school and home? Very Satisfied Satisfied No Opinion Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Comments 5. What is your level of satisfaction of our Judaic curriculum? Very Satisfied Satisfied No Opinion Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Comments 6. What is your child's favourite part of preschool? Circle Time Centers Outside Play Trip/Special Activities Comments 7. Do you believe our program is living up to your expectations of why you chose our program over another program? Yes No Somewhat No opinion Comments 8. What is your level of satisfaction with the classroom material and educational toys available to your child? Very Satisfied Satisfied No Opinion Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Comments 9. What is your level of satisfaction with our outdoor play areas? Very Satisfied Satisfied No Opinion Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Comments 10. What is your level of satisfaction with our method of discipline? Very Satisfied Satisfied No Opinion Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Comments 11. Are there specific areas in which you feel we need to improve? 12. What is your level of satisfaction with the teacher's availability to discuss your child's growth and development? Very Satisfied Satisfied No Opinion Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Comments 13. What is your level of satisfaction with the principal's availability to discuss your child's growth, development or any other school related issue? Very Satisfied Satisfied No Opinion Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Comments 14. What is your level of satisfaction with the hours of our preschool? Very Satisfied Satisfied No Opinion Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Should be Empty: Submit This page uses TLS encryption to keep your data secure.